Some things about me…

Photo by Carrie Anderson

Hello! I am a children’s book author who enjoys writing humorous and heartfelt stories that highlight relationships between family, friends, and the community. I live in Atlanta with my husband and a rambunctious Malinois. Outside of writing, I enjoy biking (especially on vacation), hiking, trying new recipes, and spending time with family and friends over lots of food. Also, I have a chicken farm.

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Photo by Hamilton Krans

The creative process gives me a lot of joy —the ideation, the research, the writing, the sharing and critiquing – it nudges me forward inch by inch. But my favorite part of the process is interacting with young readers - their curiosity, sense of adventure, and openness are so inspiring!

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Photo by Hamilton Krans

My stories are inspired by life experiences, family interactions (I have a huge family), lots of animal videos and just moments that make me giggle. Ideas spark any time of the day but hot showers are the best time!

Some things that make me happy